Mid term Exams Syllabus

Syllabus for Mid-term Exams 2014 1st Semester
Msc-IT Sec (B)

ICT Syllabus

  • Ch # 1
  • Ch # 2

DLD Syllabus:

  •  Definitions
  •  Number Base Conversion
  •  Addition,Subtraction,Multiplication of Binary
  •  Compliments
  •  Compliments Subtraction
  •  Gates

PF Syllabus:

  • Theory:Variables,Keywords,Data-type,Constant etc
  • Operators,Rational Operators,Conditional Operators,ternary operator.
  • Control Structure:     if statement,if else statement ,else if
  •  Definition of Loops and Types of Loops
Math Syllabus:
  •  Rational & irrational Numbers
  •  Matrices
  •  Mathematical Induction
  •  Functions
English Syllabus:

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