Final term Syllabus (2nd Semester)

  • OSI Model (Objective)
  • Topologies (Objective)
  • IPv4 (Objective)
  • Repeaters
  • Gateways
  • Switch types
  • Subnetting
  • Bridges
  • Routers
  • Communication Medias

  • CH # 1
  • CH # 3
  • CH # 4
  • CH # 6
  • CH # 7


  • Multimedia Applications
  • Multimedia Authoring
  • Graphics
  • Sounds
Adobe Photoshop and Corel Draw
  • Color Changing (Black & White and colored)
  • Print image on another image using Brush tool
  • Designing Any Logo(such as pepsi) corel
  • Changing Background of Image
  • Working of different Tools 
  • Filter Menu in Adobe
  • Onstage & offstage area 
  • Trim function of corel
  • Designing Fish Aquarium in corel

  • Testing
  • ERD and DFD
  • Activity Diagram
  • Sequence Diagram
  • State 
Topics from MID
  • USE Case

  • All the Topics that we read in Class Before and After Mid.
Some Extra Topics are as follows
  • Virtual Functions
  • Pure Virtual Functions
  • Abstract Classes
  • Static / Early
  • Dynamic / Late

  • Set builder notation
  • Simple Formula of CH #2
  • Functions
  • Powersets,Subsets,Venn diagram
  • Truth Table,Membership table
  • Graphs
  • Types of Graphs
  • Categories of Graphs
  • Real time examples of graphs
  • Matrix
  • Shortest Path Problem
  • Tree traversal


  • Digg
  • StumbleUpon
  • Reddit
  • RSS
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