Rules to define Idnetifier in Java

Identifiers are the names of variables, methods, classes, packages and interfaces. Identifiers must be composed of letters, numbers, the underscore _ and the dollar sign $

Some Rules of Identifier Naming Convention in Java:
  • Variable names are case-sensitive.
  • A variable’s name can be any legal identifier.
  • It can contain Unicode letter,Digits and Two Special Characters such as Underscore and dollar Sign.
  • Length of Variable name can be any number.
  • Its necessary to use Alphabet at the start (however we can use underscore , but do not use it )
  • Some auto generated variables may contain ‘$‘ sign. But try to avoid using Dollar Sign.
  • White space is not permitted.
  • Special Characters are not allowed.
  • Digit at start is not allowed
  • Subsequent characters may be letters, digits, dollar signs, or underscore characters.
  • Variable name must not be a keyword or reserved word.

The following are not legal variable names:

My Variable // Contains a space
9pins // Begins with a digit
a+c // The plus sign is not an alphanumeric character
testing1-2-3 // The hyphen is not an alphanumeric character
O'Reilly // Apostrophe is not an alphanumeric character
OReilly_&_Associates // ampersand is not an alphanumeric character

Some Standard Conventions Used :

1. Never Use Dollar Or Underscore as First Letter

  • Dollar Sign and Underscore as First Character in Variable name is allowed but still its not good programming Style to use it as First Character.
  • Generally we use Underscore in “Constant Value” variable.
static final int TOTAL_NUM = 10;
static final int MAX_COUNT = 20;
*Final is nothing but constant value in Java (In c we use const)

2. Capitalization of First Character of Second Word

  • If variable name contain two words then write first letter of second word in Capital Case.
  • If variable name contain single word then write that word in small case.

Example : Multiple Words in Variable Name


Example : Single Word in Variable Name


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